As a property owner, you most likely want to choose your well location based on convenience. However, this is often not practical. Other considerations are vital to producing a dependable, clean, abundant, and safe water source. Here's how residential water well drilling services know where to drill.
They Prepare a Site Map
A water well drilling site map shows all the relevant features on your site, such as:
The direction in which the land slopes
Toilets and latrines
Swampy areas
Garbage disposal areas
Together with the drillers, you'll weigh the relative pros and cons to decide on the best sites for the well. Also, you can seek help from hydrogeologists for more effective results.
They Find the Structures Likely To Host Water and Best Soil Types
Such structures include unconsolidated zones and fracture bedrocks. The big question then becomes the depth of the water table. Some ways in which water well drilling services find the depth of the water table are:
Looking for water well records for your area. The history of old wells in your area will show how the water table depth and yield vary during dry seasons, indicating how deep new wells must be.
Using aerial photographs of the area. These may be obtained from the internet, such as using Google Earth.
Using geologic reports. Are available from the National Groundwater Association (NGWA) information center.
Using topographic and geophysical maps. These can be obtained from libraries, consultants, and hydrogeologists who have worked in the area of interest.
Using vegetation. Year-round trees and shrubs tend to grow where water is close to the surface, maintaining their growth throughout the year.
Soil type affects the amount of water supplied by an aquifer. Professional water well drilling services locate the soil type on your site with higher groundwater.
They Find Out the Topography of the Site and Its Accessibility
While the lowest areas are the best to drill, drillers ensure that your site:
Is not subject to flooding
Is far from possible sources of contamination like septic tanks, garbage dumps, and drains
Is at the most convenient location possible
Water well drilling services ensure that your water well is in an accessible area. In addition, they ensure clear pathways to the well and a secure location from natural disasters like flooding.
As evidence, finding the best area for your well requires tact and compromise. Contact experienced local water well drilling services to help you choose the best water well placement area.